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Ch 16 -- Startup and Shutdown


UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator's Edition

- 16 -

Startup and Shutdown

by David Gumkowski and John Semencar

Starting up and shutting down UNIX are unlike most system administration tasks in that after deciding when either occurs, the administrator is more a passive observer than a proactive participant. Vigilance and informed understanding are required more than anticipation of problems and needs. Outputting to the system console, startup generates a wealth of information about what is transpiring. Most importantly, it shows what devices appear or are interrupting and shows what tasks are beginning. Also, most boot problems reflect some kind of message to the system console. This chapter discusses what some common console messages mean during startup and shut down, identifies what commands are involved in either process, and describes daemons normally spawned as a result of restarting the system.


In the most basic sense, starting up a UNIX-based operating system, booting, is an orderly method to accomplish a predefined set of tasks. Those tasks would normally include

  • Running a limited self-test of basic machine parts

  • Locating a boot device

  • Reading the kernel from the boot device

  • Having the kernel find and initialize peripherals

  • Starting basic system tasks

  • Running scripts that generate programs to provide services

  • Beginning other applications

An abbreviated sample startup from a Hewlett Packard HP-UX Release 10.x machine is found in Listing 16.1. Note that most startup messages are written to the system console device as well as the system log file. Please refer to your system's manual page for syslogd to find where your syslog configuration file is located. The configuration file will indicate to you in the last column where the system log files are located.

Listing 16.1. Sample startup from a Hewlett Packard HP-UX Release 10.x machine.

************************************************** HP-UX Start-up in progress Thu May 01 06:00:00 EST 1997 ************************************************** Mount file systems Output from "/sbin/rc1.d/S100hfsmount start": ---------------------------- Setting hostname Output from "/sbin/rc1.d/S320hostname start": ---------------------------- Save system core image if needed Output from "/sbin/rc1.d/S440savecore start": ---------------------------- EXIT CODE: 2 - savecore found no core dump to save "/sbin/rc1.d/S440savecore start" SKIPPED ---------------------------- Recover editor crash files Output from "/sbin/rc2.d/S200clean_ex start": ---------------------------- preserving editor files (if any) List and/or clear temporary files Output from "/sbin/rc2.d/S204clean_tmps start": ---------------------------- Starting the ptydaemon Start network tracing and logging daemon Output from "/sbin/rc2.d/S300nettl start": ---------------------------- Initializing Network Tracing and Logging... Done. Configure HP Ethernet interfaces Output from "/sbin/rc2.d/S320hpether start": ---------------------------- Start NFS server subsystem Output from "/sbin/rc3.d/S100nfs.server start": ---------------------------- starting NFS SERVER networking Starting OpenView Output from "/sbin/rc3.d/S940ov500 start": ---------------------------- 

Initialization Process

Specifically, the kernel, commonly named /vmunix or /unix, whether it is located on the root partition directly or some subdirectory such as /stand on HP systems, will execute and give rise to a system father task, init. This father task will propagate children processes commonly needed for operation. Common operations normally completed during boot include such things as setting the machine's name, checking and mounting disks and file systems, starting system logs, configuring network interfaces and beginning network and mail services, commencing line printer services, enabling accounting and quotas, clearing temporary partitions, and saving core dumps. To understand how those functions come into being is to grasp how the father process operates. Though blurred by what constitutes BSD versus SYS V UNIX flavors today, the two flavors generate the identically named init, but their respective calling modes differ significantly.

Configuration File

Systems such as HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, and Solaris all use a very flexible init process that creates jobs directed from a file named /etc/inittab. Init's general arguments are shown here: 0 Shut down the machine into a halted state. The machine enters a PROM monitor mode or a powered off condition.
0 Shut down the machine into a halted state. The machine enters a PROM monitor mode or a powered off condition.
1 Put the machine into a system administration mode. All file systems continue to be accessible. Only a superuser console can access the system.
2 Place the system into the normal multiuser mode of operation.
3 Place the system into the normal multiuser mode of operation. Also enable remote file sharing. Begin extra daemons to allow remote file sharing, mount remote resources, and advertise the remote resources (such as NFS).
4 Place the system into a user-defined multiuser environment. For HP-UX, the HP VUE (Visual User Environment), a powerful graphical environment and set of applications utilizing X Window, is activated.
5 Much like run level 0, except the system will not try to power itself off.
6 Shut down the machine and then restart it to run level 2 or 3.
a,b,c Not a true state because they do not change the run level. Basically, run a given set of programs.
S/s Begin single-user mode. This mode of operation is always selected if the inittab file is missing or corrupt.
Q/q Don't change run levels. Use the current one and re-examine the inittab file. This is a method to institute changes without actually having to reboot the system.

Listing 16.2 shows an abbreviated sample inittab file.

Listing 16.2. Abbreviated sample inittab file.

strt:2:initdefault: lev0:06s:wait:/etc/rc0 > /dev/console 2>&1 < /dev/console lev2:23:wait:/etc/rc2 > /dev/console 2>&1 < /dev/console lev3:3:wait:/etc/rc3 > /dev/console 2> &1 < /dev/console rebt:6:wait:/etc/init.d/announce restart ioin::sysinit:/sbin/ioinitrc > /dev/console 2>&1 brcl::bootwait:/sbin/bcheckrc < /dev/console 2>&1 cons:123456:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console powf::powerwait:/sbin/powerfail > /dev/console 2>&1 

The general form of an entry in this file is as follows:

identifier:run-level:action-keyword: process 

identifier is a text string of up to four characters in length and is used to uniquely identify an entry. Two character identifiers should be used with care because it is possible for PTY identities to conflict with an identifier. Ultimately, this would lead to corruption of the utmp file which keeps a record of all users currently logged in.

The run level is one or more of the init arguments described previously or blank to indicate all run levels. A default run level of 2 or 3 is common, depending on your system. Run level 1 is usually reserved for special tasks such as system installation. When init changes run levels, all processes not belonging to the requested run level will be killed eventually. The exception to that rule are a,b,c started commands.

NOTE: HP system administrators can use SAM to shut down a system and change the current run level. SAM is HP's System Administration Manager tool that can be invoked in its graphical or character-based configuration.

The action keyword defines the course of action executed by init. Values and their meaning are found in Table 16.1.

Table 16.1. Action keyword table.

Action-keyword Action Wait Restart
boot Executed only during a system boot. NO NO
bootwait Executed when going from single user to multiuser after the system is started. Yes No
initdefault Start with this upon boot. The process field is ignored. If level is blank, default to run level 6. N/A N/A
off Kill processes when in a given level. Ignore if the process doesn't exist. N/A N/A
once Run the process once. No no
ondemand Synonym for respawn for a,b,c types. No No
powerfail Run processes when a powerdown is requested. No No
powerwait Run processes when a powerdown is requested. Yes No
respawn If the process doesn't exist, start it. If the process does exist, do nothing. No Yes
sysinit Run processes before the login prompt is sent to the system console. Yes No
wait Start processes once. Yes No
ctrlaltdel (Linux only.) The sequence was pressed on the keyboard. Shutdown. No No
kbrequest (Linux only.) Keyboard spawned request. This is ill-defined.
powerokwait (Linux only.) Power has come back on. Yes No

The process is any daemon, executable script, or program. This process can invoke other scripts or binaries.

In the example of an inittab file given previously, a system powerup would default to run level 2. Run levels 0 (shutdown), 6 (reboot), and s (single user) would all execute the script /etc/rc0, which in turn could call subscripts. Run levels 2 or 3 (multiuser/expanded multiuser) would execute the /etc/rc2 script. Additionally, run level 3 (expanded multiuser) would also execute the /etc/rc3 script. Run level 6 (reboot) would announce what is happening by executing the /etc/init.d/announce script given the restart argument. For any run level, before the console receives the login prompt, run /sbin/ioinitrc to check the consistency between the kernel data and I/O configuration file. For any run level going from single to multiuser, run a file system consistency check by executing /sbin/bcheckrc. For run levels 1-6, if getty doesn't exist for the console, begin it. For any run level in which powering down is requested, run the /sbin/powerfail script.

BSD type systems use an init process that is somewhat less flexible in usage. It runs a basic reboot sequence and depending on how it is invoked, begins a multiuser or single-user system. init changes states via signals. The signal is invoked using the UNIX kill command. For example, to drop back to single-user mode from multiuser mode, the superuser would kill -TERM 1. Table 16.2 lists the signals.

Table 16.2. Signals used with kill command.

Signal Mnemonic Value Action
Hang-up HUP. Reread the ttys file (01)
Software terminate TERM (15) Begin single-user mode.
Interrupt Terminate all processes and reboot the machine. INT (02)
Tty stop signal TSTP Slowly kill the system by not issuing any more getty processes. (24)

RC Scripts

Each system type begins similarly by initializing an operating condition through calls to scripts or directories containing scripts generally of the type /etc/rc*. BSD systems normally would call /etc/rc, /etc/rc.local, or /etc/rc.boot. Because of the flexibility of the inittab version, it is best to look in that file for the location of the startup scripts. A methodology that is now favored by vendors supporting inittab, such as HP-UX and IRIX, creates directories such as /sbin/rc[run-level].d or /etc/rc[run-level].d. These directories contain files such as S##name (startup) or K##name (kill/shutdown) that are links to scripts in /sbin/init.d or /etc/init.d. The ##s are ordered in the manner in which they are called by a superscript. A sample startup sequence is found in Listing 16.3. Listing 16.4 shows a sample shutdown sequence.

Listing 16.3. A sample startup sequence from an HP-UX system.

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 16 Apr 9 1997 S008net.sd -> /sbin/init.d/net lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 21 Apr 9 1997 S100swagentd -> /sbin/init.d/swagentd lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 21 Apr 9 1997 S120swconfig -> /sbin/init.d/swconfig lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 21 Apr 9 1997 S200clean_ex -> /sbin/init.d/clean_ex lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 23 Apr 9 1997 S202clean_uucp->/sbin/init.d/clean_uucp lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 23 Apr 9 1997 S204clean_tmps->/sbin/init.d/clean_tmps lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 22 Apr 9 1997 S206clean_adm -> /sbin/init.d/clean_adm lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 20 Apr 9 1997 S220syslogd -> /sbin/init.d/syslogd lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 22 Apr 9 1997 S230ptydaemon-> /sbin/init.d/ptydaemon . . . . . . . . . lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 22 Apr 9 1997 S880swcluster -> /sbin/init.d/swcluster lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 18 Apr 9 1997 S900hpnpd -> /sbin/init.d/hpnpd lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 20 Apr 9 1997 S900laserrx -> /sbin/init.d/laserrx 

Listing 16.4. A sample shutdown sequence from an IRIX system.

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 14 Mar 18 1997 K02midi -> ../init.d/midi lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 16 Mar 18 1997 K02videod -> ../init.d/videod lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 13 Mar 18 1997 K02xdm -> ../init.d/xdm lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 18 Mar 18 1997 K03announce -> ../init.d/announce lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 16 Mar 18 1997 K04dbshut -> ../init.d/dbshut lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 18 Mar 18 1997 K05availmon -> ../init.d/availmon lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 14 Mar 18 1997 K06raid -> ../init.d/raid lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 16 Mar 18 1997 K09mediad -> ../init.d/mediad lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 16 Mar 18 1997 K10cadmin -> ../init.d/cadmin . . . lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 21 Mar 18 1997 K84filesystems -> ../init.d/filesystems lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 13 Mar 18 1997 K98usr -> ../init.d/usr lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 20 Mar 18 1997 K99disk_patch -> ../init.d/disk_patch 

In the last example, K02midi would be executed followed by (in order), K02videod, K02xdm, K03announce, and so on, until K99disk_patch was executed. On this system, the ~/init.d/* files are used for startup and shutdown, depending whether they are invoked with a start (S types) or stop (K types) parameter. Some systems have a template superscript called ~/init.d/template that should be used to initiate the daemon, program or, moreover, script. If a configuration file is needed by the superscript, it should be placed in /etc/rc.config.d.

Listing 16.5 is a partial example of a script utilizing the template to initiate the startup or shutdown of a relational database management, in this case Oracle 7 Server. Links are required for the execution of the superscript. Referring to the example, the following commands can be used to create the links:

ln -s ~/init.d/oracle ~/rc2.d/S900oracle ln -s ~/init.d/oracle ~/rc1.d/K100oracle 

In this case, Oracle will be stopped whenever the system is shut down from a run level higher than 1. It will be started when entering run level 2. The numbering of the start and kill scripts may be different than the ones used.

Listing 16.5. Example of an init startup/shutdown script.

case $1 in 'start_msg') echo "Starting ORACLE" ;; 'stop_msg') echo "Stopping ORACLE" ;; 'start') # source the system configuration variables if [ -f /etc/rc.config.d/oracle ] ; then . /etc/rc.config.d/oracle else echo "ERROR: /etc/rc.config.d/oracle file MISSING" fi # Check to see if this script is allowed to run... if [ $ORACLE_START !=1 ]; then rval=2 else #Starting Oracle su - oracle -c /u99/home/dba/oracle/product/7.2.3/bin/dbstart fi ;; 'stop') # source the system configuration variables if [ -f /etc/rc.config.d/oracle ] ; then . /etc/rc.config.d/oracle else echo "ERROR: /etc/rc.config.d/oracle file MISSING" fi # Check to see if this script is allowed to run... if [ $ORACLE_START !=1 ]; then rval=2 else #Stopping Oracle su - oracle -c /u99/home/dba/oracle/product/7.2.3/bin/dbshut fi ;; *) echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|start_msg|stop_msg}" rval=1 ;; esac 

Startup Daemons and Programs

When the system is operational, after you log in, run ps -ef (SYS V type) or ps ax (BSD type) from a shell prompt. This will list the processes currently running. An idle system with no users will most likely include at least a subset of the following tasks:

init As described, this is the parent process for any user job and most system tasks. The process ID is always 1.
inetd This is the Internet super server. It listens for connections on Internet sockets and calls appropriate servers to handle incoming information. This connects servers for things such as FTP, Telnet, finger, http, talk, and rsh.
getty This is the programs that sets terminal type, speed, line discipline, and mode.
syslogd This is the daemon to log system messages.
cron This program is the clock daemon to execute programs at specified dates and times.
named This is the domain-naming server software yielding name resolution for your system.
routed/gated Either of these programs keeps routing tables so that your system knows what path to take when sending packets.
nfsd/biod Network file system daemons allowing file system sharing via the network.
lpsched/lpd SYS V/BSD line-printing schedulers.
telnetd The Telnet protocol server that allows interactive connections via the network.
ftpd The file transfer protocol (FTP) server that allows file transfers via the network.
httpd The hypertext transfer protocol daemon that coordinates World Wide Web serving.
rpc.* The remote procedure call daemons that allow procedure calls to other machines connected via the network. Common entries of this type are rpc.mountd, rpc.statd, rpc.locks, rpc.pcnfsd, and rcpbind. Usually associated with these utilities is a program named portmap that converts RPC numbers to TCP or UDP protocol port numbers.

One last note about the start up process: if the file /etc/nologin exists, only the superuser may log in. Other users attempting to log in would see the textual contents of /etc/nologin.


As they say, "what goes up must come down. This is as true for computers as it is for other things in life. A normal shutdowns is an attempt to terminate processes in an orderly fashion so that when the system comes back up, there will be little error. A graceful shutdown will kill running tasks as smoothly as it can. It will then synchronize the disks with any outstanding buffers in memory and dismount them. When this needs to be done, first and foremost, make sure a shutdown really needs to occur. Your decision to do this will have a lot to do with your site culture and how many users you impact. Also, many times, a little research will lead you to try killing and restarting a daemon or living with a non-volatile problem until a patch can be applied later, during the night. If the system must come down, however, depending on the current circumstances, there is a variety of ways to bring down a running system. Among the methods are the commands shutdown, reboot, sync, init, and halt--and by removing power from the machine. Generally, as you would expect, removing power or not having synchronized (all disk writes completed) quiescent disks, will almost ensure that some file system corruption will occur that will need correction during the next boot. More than likely, the file system consistency check program, fsck, will be able to autocorrect the problems--but, given a choice, use a safer method of bringing your system down. fsck is automatically invoked during system startup unless specifically turned off (fastboot). Its function is to check the consistency of inodes, free space, links, directory entries, pathnames, and superblocks. It does not perform a surface scan or remap bad blocks. Here, in more detail, is a summary of the possible commands for various operating environments. Note that these commands do not necessarily include all of the possible options for the command. See your local manual page for a complete list of options.


  • To reboot an HP-UX system use the following command.

  • reboot [-t time] [-m message].

  • time: +Number of minutes (such as +5 for 5 minutes from now), an absolute time of hh:mm, or "now" until the reboot message: Message to display to users about the upcoming reboot.

  • To halt an HP-UX system use the following command.

  • reboot -h [-t time] [-m message].

  • The parameters are the same as for reboot.

  • To synchronize the disks and invoke a new run level use the following command.

  • sync; init [run-level].

  • Run-level: one of the choices described earlier in the chapter.

  • Tp perform a graceful shutdown use the following command.

  • shutdown [-h|-r] [-y] [grace].

  • Note that HP has a security feature tied to shutdowns. /etc/shutdown.allow can restrict who may or may not shut down the system. Most other variants allow only the superuser to bring the system down.

  • -h: Halt the system.

  • -r: Reboot the system.

  • neither -h nor -r: Place system in single-user mode.

  • -y: Default answers to any interactive question.

  • grace: Integer seconds defining how long users have to log off.

  • The default value for grace is 60 seconds.


  • To reboot an IRIX system use the following command.

  • reboot.

  • There are no parameters for this command.

  • To halt an IRIX system use the following command.

  • halt [-p].

  • -p: Remove power from the machine, if possible.

  • To synchronize the disks and invoke a new run level use the following command.

  • sync; init [run-level].

  • run-level: One of the choices described earlier in the chapter.

  • To perform a graceful shutdown use the following command.

  • shutdown [-y] [-ggrace] [-irun-level] [-p].

  • Note that IRIX does not have a messaging facility attached to its shutdown command. It would behoove you to precede this command with a wall (write to all users) command to let the users know what is going to happen and why.

  • -y: Default answers to any interactive question.

  • grace: Integer seconds defining how long users have to log off.

  • The default value for grace is 60 seconds.

  • run-level: A subset of the choices described earlier in the chapter (such as 0,1,6,s,and S). The default is 0.

  • -p: Remove power from the machine, if possible.


  • To reboot a Solaris system us the following command.

  • reboot [-d].

  • -d: Dump system core before rebooting to allow for future debugging.

  • To halt a Solaris system use the following command.

  • halt.

  • halt should not be usually called with any parameters.

  • To synchronize the disks and invoke a new run level use the following command.

  • sync; init [run-level].

  • run-level: One of the choices described earlier in the chapter.

  • To perform a graceful shutdown use the following command.

  • shutdown [-y] [-ggrace] [-irun-level].

  • -y: Default answers to any interactive question.

  • grace: Integer seconds defining how long users have to log off.

  • The default value for grace is 60 seconds.

  • run-level: A subset of the choices described earlier in the chapter. The default is 0.


  • To reboot a Linux system use the following command.

  • reboot [-f].

  • -f: If not in run levels 0 or 6, do not call shutdown.

  • To halt a Linux system use the following command.

  • halt [-f].

  • Same parameter description as reboot.

  • To synchronize the disks and invoke a new run level use the following command.

  • sync; init [run-level].

  • run-level: One of the choices described earlier in the chapter.

  • To perform a graceful shutdown use the following command.

  • shutdown [-t sec] [-fhrk] time [message].

  • Normally, in Linux systems, an entry will be present in inittab for ctrlaltdel that calls shutdown.

  • -t sec: sec is the number of seconds to wait between sending the warning and kill signals to processes.

  • -h: Halt the system.

  • -r: Reboot the system.

  • -f: Do not run file system consistency check upon reboot.

  • -k: Do not actually shut down the system; just make it look like it is going to happen.

  • time: +Number of minutes (such as +5 for 5 minutes from now) or an absolute time of hh:mm (or "now") until shutdown.

  • message: Message to display to users about the upcoming shutdown.

In every given example, the most graceful way to shut down was purposely identified as such because shutdown is always the preferred way for an uncomplicated shutdown of the system.

Listing 16.6 shows a sample shutdown from an IRIX system.

Listing 16.6. Sample shutdown from an IRIX system.

Shutdown started. Wed Apr 16 01:46:29 EDT 1997 Broadcast Message from root (ttyq0) on indy Wed Apr 16 01:46:29 1997 THE SYSTEM IS BEING SHUT DOWN! Log off now. On the system console, once shutdown began, the following appeared: The system is shutting down. Please wait. unexported /usr1 unexported /usr2 Removing swap areas. Unmounting file systems: 

As with starting up the system, shutting down the system will reflect parts of what is happening to the system console and system log file.


To recap, during system startup and shutdown, as the console spews information out, be an educated observer; unless problems occur, keep the rest of your system administration skills ready but in the background. This will probably be the easiest task of the day. Have a cup of coffee; you'll probably need it later in the day.


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